What We Offer

ALAS is the country’s largest lawyer-owned mutual company offering the broadest lawyers’ liability coverage available, concierge member services, unmatched claims management, and the largest suite of loss prevention programming and resources in the world.  

What Sets Us Apart

Founded by owner-insured law firms and managed by lawyers with decades of experience in private practice, ALAS offers a level of knowledge, coverage, and service that cannot be replicated by commercial insurance carriers. Our members trust our record of success in underwriting, claims management, and loss prevention, and they rely on our substantial resource library, cutting-edge industry events, and supportive network. 

  • A Close-knit Community

    Join a supportive law firm membership that includes almost half the Am Law 200. 

  • A Commitment to Concierge Service

    Receive guidance and get answers from attorneys who have been in your shoes. 

  • A Reservoir of Expertise

    Draw from our exclusive library of member resources to help your firm train and develop attorneys and administrative personnel, prevent legal malpractice claims, and minimize loss.  

Member Resources

We offer the most robust loss prevention programming and resources in the industry on topics such as conflicts of interest, lateral hiring and integration, cybersecurity threats, legal ethics, and more.  

Our Member Resources (Password Required)

  • CLE Courses

    All member firm attorneys have access to nearly 200 free videos on legal ethics and risk management topics. 

  • Conferences & Events

    Meet, network, and collaborate with peer firms and legal industry authorities at exclusive conferences and events.  

  • Guides and Manuals

    Cultivate firm culture and reduce risk with comprehensive loss prevention manuals and management guides. 

  • Podcasts

    Learn from practicing attorneys and law firm leaders who have been in your shoes as they tackle ethical dilemmas and management challenges.  

  • Sample Policies and Checklists

    Build a loss prevention strategy with tried-and-tested sample policies, letters, and checklists.  

Our Expertise

Insurance coverage is just the beginning. 

ALAS provides insurance coverage you can trust—and much more. Our dedicated team of attorneys and other professionals will help you build programs and policies to avoid loss, manage and resolve claims, provide opportunities to engage with colleagues at peer firms, and secure the underwriting you need for firm expansions and combined MLI/EPLI coverage. 

Our Membership

ALAS member firms are a who’s who of the legal industry—from prestigious boutiques and growing midsize firms to almost half of the firms in the Am Law 200. The ALAS community comprises more than 200 firms, and our membership is rock solid: ALAS has enjoyed a 98 to 100% renewal rate for 21 years (and counting). 

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Member Testimonials

  • The commercial market simply is not in the same league as ALAS when it comes to educational programs and loss prevention. This value add cannot be


    General Counsel, Florida
  • Thanks to the folks at ALAS. You guys really are the best in your business and it’s comforting to have a strong partner when problems


    General Counsel, Florida
  • [ALAS Claims Attorney] was effectively a key member of our defense team and provided excellent judgment and valuable contributions throughout the entire


    Chair, Washington, D.C.
  • Thank you for another excellent [Loss Prevention] presentation. You demonstrated again why every law firm in America that can qualify to be an ALAS member should become a


    Of Counsel, New Jersey
  • [A] huge thank you to everyone for going above and beyond for us - we are very thankful to have ALAS with


    Managing Partner, Florida